I have been wandering about making art in one form or another for ninety-some percent of three-quarters of a century. During that time I have made different things in diverse styles and in a variety of media. This has been most frequently done with a lightly humorous interpretation of the more mordant and tragic trajectories of life and the world. This diverse and erratic constancy of purpose and life view and aesthetic intent was germinated by my day-dreaming on Sunday mornings in the next to front row of the St. Joseph's side of St. Catherine's Catholic Church.
Consequently, my portion of Seeinmind is far from a streamlined superhighway and instead is a wandering retrospective of myriad paths presenting meanderings and wacky turns to anyone entering its
aged byways.
Although with occasionally erratic style, everything was
made with earnest aesthetic intent. Hopefully, you
will find them to be entertaining and interesting.