Photography has been an integral and ubiquitous part of my life. One of my first jobs was working in a photography store in the 1950's when small town photography was synonymous with Kodak, when most cameras were boxes and when photography was snapshots processed at small local shops.

I fell in love with making pictures and started photographing then and have not really gotten off that particular track since.
I studied photography at the University of Iowa while also earning my MA in painting. I introduced photography at Lowell State College while also teaching art history. A single class eventually morphed into multiple classes requiring additional instructors to meet student demand. I moved to other instruction.
Moving from teaching traditional photography, I introduced the first computer art classes at what had become the University of Lowell. From computers to digital photography was an almost seamless transition for me and at about the time the school became the University of Massachusetts Lowell, I sold all my non-digital equipment. Now all my photographs are digital.